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Bibliophile Reference

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Gabriel - Gateway to Europe's National Libraries




Rarebooks.info offers the largest database of reference books in facsimile on the Web, along with a Reference Gateway (a new index of 20 categories and over a hundred sub-categories of bibliographic references and direct links to specialized Web sites). You will also find thousands of links museums, national associations, libraries, universities, the calendar of major book events around the world and auction sales.

English language reference sites

Library of Congress - search engine of the Library's book holdings (Z39.50 gateway).

British Library - search engine for the holdings in the various collections (Opac97 gateway).

Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries - search engine for the libraries' various databases, including holdings (OLIS - Oxford Libraries On-line).

University of Texas at Austin - on-line search of all the holdings, including the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center collection.

Swiss National Library - on-line search of the holdings.

A listing of over 3100 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources world wide, compiled and kept up-to-date by the University of Idaho.

Libweb, a listing of WWW library servers in over 70 countries, maintained by Thomas Dowling.

French language reference sites

Argus du bibliophile a pour fonction de mettre sur la toile les résultats des ventes de livres, manuscrits, autographes, photographies et oeuvres touchant la bibliophilie. Un service de référence pour les bibliophiles et libraires. The purpose of the Bibliophilic Price Index is to make sale results of auctions of books, manuscripts, autographs, photographs and bibliophilic works available on the Web. A reference service for bibliophiles and booksellers.

Les bases de données BN-OPALE (le catalogue des livres et des périodiques) et BN-OPALINE (le catalogue des collections spécialisées) recensent tous les documents de la Bibliothèque nationale de France.

La Bibliothèque nationale suisse virtuelle. Vous y trouvez l'accès aux catalogues et à divers instruments de recherches.

La Bibliothèque Royale Albert I de Belgique Le catalogue on-line.

Catalogues des bibliothèques francophones

German language reference sites

Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt am Main) - Suchanfrage (Z39.50-Gateway).

OPAC der Deutschen Bücherei Leipzig (Telnet).

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Suchformular.

Schweizerische Landesbibliothek Suchformular.

Italian reference sites

Catalogo della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze anche della Biblioteca Marucelliana (accesso TelNet).

Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche - ICCU

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma - aspettiamo

Indirizzi, servizi, iniziative e informazioni relative alle biblioteche, centri di documentazione e archivi e agli enti che si occupano del settore in Italia.

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (accesso Telnet).

All Original Material, Translations and HTML Coding Copyright © Jack A. Benson (ammonet) 1999 - 2003. All rights reserved.