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ammonet Web Sites

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ammonet Web Sites


ammonet Web Sites is an IPP (internet presence provider), located in Zürich, Switzerland, which provides very reliable, fast-access Web hosting, Web page design, e-commerce, domain name registration and Web advertising. Our services are genuinely international and are designed for small and medium businesses, as well as for individuals. Our prices are highly competitive by world standards and much lower than the European average. For example, a virtual server with a registered domain name and  25 MB of disk space costs $25 (£15) per month. We provide full FrontPage2000 Server Extensions, a secure server and an easy-to-use "control panel" with all domain accounts, and a completely configurable on-line shop with our Business and Professional Accounts.


Any user hosting a registered domain with ammonet Web Sites receives the full range of bibliophile.net services for 50% of the normal price, together with a FREE descriptive directory entry. This means that you can have your own fully-independent web site plus all your books in the bibliophile.net database for less per month than many internet presence providers charge for hosting alone. In addition, ammonet provides a comprehensive e-commerce package, including a FREE, fully-configurable on-line shop and a FREE secure server so that you can accept confidential information such as credit card numbers by e-mail. For more details, visit www.ammonet.com

In summary, ammonet offers some of the best web hosting deals available on the Internet today: highly competitive prices, a range of hosting options and numerous free extras that other providers charge for. Visit our site for a full description of our hosting options, and a preview of the control panel and our comprehensive Users' Manual.

All Original Material, Translations and HTML Coding Copyright © Jack A. Benson (ammonet) 1999 - 2003. All rights reserved.